
Book Cover

Mock up of a hypothetical book I made using the drawing I did for Hybrid Collective. Took some trail and error to make it look right, but turned out not so bad after all.


  1. Yeah man I think this turned out pretty slick

  2. Ahah this is pretty nice! Especially the title.
    Nice contrast of half tone against the texture and the teal on the ship is working. Very mysterious.

  3. Ya the small man above the type is perfect too, really solid comp.

  4. thanks guys, ya Parker I tried to line up the "i" in fiction with the character to no avail. You'll probably see more from this title in the future;)
    Glad you guys like it, I nearly abandoned this one. Yeah the ship has a slight glow around it, the sky texture I like because Its almost like "hazard" in a subtle way.
